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Activity: Oct 22 '20


I even have worked in businesses, non-profits and academics. My Ph.D. is in Evolutionary Epistemology and that i conjointly have a Masters in public policy. I've written several e-books together with "Negotiate With Yourself and Win! Doubt Management for Individuals who will hear themselves think," and "Executive UFO: A Field Guide to Unidentified Flying Objectives within the Workplace." I even have taught faculty-level psychology, sociology, Western History, theology, philosophy and English. I'm currently a research collaborator with Berkeley professor Terrence Deacon in what is called Emergence theory: How life emerges from non-life and how things modification when it does. Spiritually, I'm a Taowinist, a cross between Tao and Darwin, that means I think of life as a tough open-ended tension between holding on and letting go. The trail to living well is not through finding something eternal to hold on to or letting go of everything as some spiritualists recommend, but in managing and appreciating the stress, especially through the humanities and sciences. Philosophically and interpersonally, I'm an Ambigamist: Deeply romantic and deeply skeptical. https://www.cryptoerapro.com/crypto-revolt/